The story is alive. It is an intelligent being that listens to you, gives you some of what you expect and more of what you don't, a being that changes itself in response to your whims, acting through a medium that is smart, human, and has personality. "Stream" is a meditation of a sequence of photos by Duane Michals using auditory, textual, and visual cues to illustrate the idea of a perceptual process that takes in senses as a stream. No one force is dominant, but in its interaction we hope to find a new "vague" sense of experience, a Gestalt percept of a recurrent and whole universe. This is part two of experiments in the wholeness of perception.

Inspired by text and image synchrony, I decided to extend the domain to auditory processes. Duane Michals' surrealist photos are set to music by amachamusic, and text is randomly generated based on sentences describing each scene. I use FFT-based pitch analysis to align the audio and visual elements. The fusion of auditory, visual, and textual (ideational) programs are synchronized in space and time, all in recurrence, a stream. Implemented in Processing.