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  RAY LC : opinions : quizbowl

Packet Archive.

It calls Tristram Shandy a homunculus and asks whether spin-spin coupling is geminal or vicinal. Claiming that Jacques Lacan thinks with his feet, FTP name this set of questions written by yours truly.

Tournament Stats.

"No depth, no digging underneath, has the talent but doesn't dare, afraid to meet himself somewhere... trying not to discover what sex [he] belong[s] to."
  - Strange Interlude.

UCLA College Bowl.

"Why faintest thou! I wander'd till I died / Roam on! The light we sought is shining still. / Dost thou ask proof? Our tree yet crowns the hill..."
  - Thyrsis.


Noting the correlation between language structure and conceptual logic, Ludwig Wittgenstein declared the end of philosophy and heralded the scientific analysis of language and communication.


A timid soul and sincere friend, Henry Adams gave his voice to an age of spirituality overwhelmed by science, reminiscing on a past both humane and cruel in Mont-St. Michel and Chartres and The Education.

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